
Friday, October 22, 2010

Keyword Targeting for a Better Ecommerce SEO Campaign

By: Business Venture Solutions

Free Tools for Search Engine Optimization

As we have mentioned before, it is extremely difficult for you to optimize general keywords that generate millions of search queries on a regular basis. If you are a small ecommerce based entrepreneur then it is in your best interest to focus on unused or unsought after keywords when developing the content on your ecommerce platform. This is not to say that you should not focus at all on popular keywords when engaging in an ecommerce SEO campaign, but realistically – your time and search engine optimization efforts are much better geared towards effectively having a campaign that has a "laser-like" focus as it relates to producing organic search engine results for your business.

For example, if your ecommerce platform specializes in the sale of electronics then rather than attempting to search engine optimize your website for the term "electronics" you may want to focus on a keyword that relates to a specific type of electronics or even better – a specific product that you want to appear in organic search engine results. This will ensure, again, that the effort you put into your ecommerce SEO efforts will not go unrewarded as many major corporations and other large scale ecommerce entrepreneurs constantly try to focus on only the most popular keywords when developing or expanding their websites.

One of the most interesting aspects of starting off by focusing your ecommerce SEO campaign efforts on smaller keywords is that, over time, your site will start to become indexed among major keywords that will drive additional traffic to your website. One of the most common questions that we receive as it relates to ecommerce SEO is how to effectively create a presence on the search engines. There are several schools of thought as it pertains to this matter. Many SEO services firms will tell you that you need to have as many inbound links as possible (as it pertains to your specific keywords) in order to be successful. Other firms will want you to focus on new article and content development on a regular basis. Neither of these schools of thought is incorrect. When developing your ecommerce SEO plan you want to make sure that you use every tool available to you when developing new content, articles, and reviews as it pertains to your ecommerce platform. In regards to content development, this is one of the best time proven methods that you can use because you can create content for your website that are geared towards specific keywords. If we return to our example pertaining to the "electronics" keyword then you may want to write several blog posts or articles on your website that are geared not only towards electronics but also for each type of product that you sell.


In short, the more content that you have on your website, the more likely that the major search engines will find your site. Additionally, as you continue to create new content for your ecommerce SEO campaign – the search engines will more quickly index this content as they become familiar with the fact that not only is your website acting as an ecommerce platform, but also as an informational portal that can assist your customers about making informed decisions regarding the products that you are selling

About the Author is an informational portal for everything related to ecommerce SEO and Free Tools for Search Engine Optimization.

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Article Source: - Keyword Targeting for a Better Ecommerce SEO Campaign


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