
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why to build your brand through Face book Pages and how?

By: Laura Wimble

Internet, today, attracts the highest allocation of marketing budgets of companies and is not just another channel added to their marketing mix. A key driver to this change is simply the new way in which people shop. As more and more products, with little distinguishing features enter online marketplace every day, it has become imperative for companies to create a distinct web identity for them. E-branding is about creating an entity that resonates with your customer, which can keep him bonded and coming back to your brand even in the absence of any deal or promotion. The more people are invested in a brand, the more they will seek it actively and remain loyal. In short, to have a steady and growing customer base it is vital to build your brand online. Branding is about humanizing an otherwise inanimate product or service which people can relate to easily. In this context, social media offer excellent platforms for giving a face and personality to your commercial product. Not only can you can interact with your customers directly and keep them engaged, but also build long term relationships. Now that we know the importance of building brand online let's discuss more on how to use Face book Pages to build a brand on web. Best part of using Face book Page is that it is easy to create and update. Unlike creating and editing your website, for which you need to have or hire technical skills, building Face book Page is quite simple and much cheaper. You don't have to pay your developer every time for every little change you want to make. Face book pages are also ranked highly in search engine results. A surfer need not necessarily have an account with Face book to view your page. With a Face book page you can do almost everything that needs to be done to promote your brand online. Please read our previous blog for creating a professional Face book page here. Word of mouth works very well for web based brands as it is spread by the most credible of sources-ordinary people who have no bias towards a particular brand. By creating a Face book page and introducing your company or product or service to people, you spread your word very well. Make sure you keep inviting people by sending them email notifications and promote your page elsewhere online by putting a Face book button on your website or a link on your business card. You are sure to grow organically. In a Face book page you can include everything that relates to your business in one place where you can get your potential customers to visit. - Overview of company - Website and contact info - Press releases - Videos - Blog RSS - Twitter updates - Company news and status - Customer interaction You can build a community around your business through your page and encourage discussions among fans by posting questions such as "What they like in a particular product?" or "What could be done to improve the product?" Discussions keep your fans engaged and give them a reason to check-in to your page regularly. Make sure to keep your content fresh by updating it at regular intervals. There are other things you must do regularly: -Point your customers to any offsite promotions or giveaways. -Announce free upcoming events or webinars. -Import your blog entries. Do everything possible to build and hold your audience's interest. Creating Face book Experiences is another thing companies are benefiting from. It is a low cost technique to grow your fan base. Some companies like Oreo stood out by starting fun "World's Fan of the Week" campaign encouraging fans to post photos for a chance to claim fan of the week spot. Their fan base grew tremendously. You can think of any other ‘experience', for example, a prize winning contest or an expert answering fans questions on a particular day, depending upon what your purpose is. It could be anything from educating to entertaining to creating excitement amongst your fans. Think of experiences you can duplicate and what idea would your crowd like to embrace. It is a quick way of building momentum in your community. Last, but not the least, don't expect instantaneous results. It takes time to build relationships and reputation. Social media marketing benefits from a slow burning and indirect approach. Remember, it's a social world where commercial success comes as a by-product of good networking. Face book pages are becoming a great way to build buzz online and not just so for big and established brands. If you are a medium sized or small company it makes perfect sense to go online and build your brand through Face book pages- an easier, cheaper and faster way to establish relationship with your customer. But remember to promote your business in a subtle and fun manner as discussed in our previous blog on using social media to grow your business online. Hope you liked the information we shared today. If you have any feedback or queries we would be pleased to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.

About the Author

SysComm International provides focused Internet marketing services including fully managed and highly successful search engine marketing and Social Media Marketing..... For further information kindly visit us at:

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Article Source: - Why to build your brand through Face book Pages and how?

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